How the mind of a girl like me work. The thoughts I have when I wake up early in the morning all the way to when I go to bed at night.
Monday, 24 December 2007
I am soooooooooooooo nervous............
It's my first time travelling alone and I hope my documents are all in place................ HOPE EVERYTHING GOES WELL!!!
I'll be seeing all the Aussies soon!!
So to all my friends, have yourself a Merry X'mas and a Happy New Year~!
Sunday, 16 December 2007
1 more week till..
I made laksa today. It was yum, except for the fact it wasn't spicy enough for my mom. The gravy was delish though. Really really thick and you could taste most of the stuffs I put in. I got the recipe off Nibble and Scribble. Try it if you are game for it. I also made blueberry muffins this afternoon because blueberries were selling cheap when I went to the market a few days ago. So decided to get a punnet and try this yummy recipe from The Baker Who Cooks.
And it was truly that, really really yummy. The muffins were moist and the topping was sweet and crunchy. Only thing was the muffins themselves were pretty plain tasting, and not sweet enough for me. Either that or I did not use enough blueberries, OR the blueberries I chose weren't sweet enough. I would take some pictures, except for the fact I really crap at taking photos and the muffins are all in the fridge now, kinda lazy to bring them out. =P
Next weekend will be the only time I can cook before I go for my holidays and before Christmas with my family. I'm thinking of cooking a scrumptious meal for them. Not sure yet what to cook, I might roast a chicken, mashed potatoes, buttered vegetables, some steaks and maybe a dessert? Oh well, I'm sure I'll think of something. =)
So to everyone I know who reads this, have a great week before Christmas! Love ya all..
Monday, 10 December 2007
It's an excruciatingly..
Haven't been doing much lately, just lazing around at home when I'm not working, playing Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass (Highly recommended if you're a Legend of Zelda fan) on my Nintendo DS and just raiding on WoW whenever I can. =)
I have been so lazy, I havent been cooking at all. But since Christmas is coming soon, I might be cooking this last 2 weekends before I fly off to Australia. Especially next week as I will not be spending Christmas at home with my family, I might cook a huge Christmas meal! Lol.. It's going to be hectic.
I coloured my hair on Saturday. The colour is alright, nothing special considering I'm not the type who experiments and goes wild with colours. Will be getting a haircut this coming Friday. =) Need to look nice and presentable to meet all my friends and Mat's parents. I hope they like me *fingers crossed*.
I've never done well with meeting the parents. To be honest, none of the past 'parents' I've met ever really took a liking to me. Oh boy.. I am so scared and nervous.
Does anyone have any advice on what to do, say or wear?
Anyways, It's been a normal Monday and still a whole week to go. Hope everyone have a good one. =) Till the next time~!
Sunday, 25 November 2007
Gossip gossip..
On to other news, Wow is boring. LoL.. There's nothing to do when I get on Wow. I've been having dvd-marathons past week. Every time I'm on, it's either dailies, or just mucking around until time to go to bed. It has been an exhausting past week at work though, so much so that I've been going to bed at like 11 pm. Then its on to another exhausting day at work, seeing stupid patients and serving them.. Bleah~!
I have been cooking more and can now officially say for sure that I can cook. Its actually not hard. Just practice, practice and mere common sense. I go by the rule that I always hear when I watch cooking shows like Jamie Oliver and Nigella: ' When you have something sour, always neutralise it with something sweet. When you have something spicy, tone it down with something sour.' It works everytime. Especially on chicken dishes. I have been making a oven roacted chicken with a marinade of balsamic vinegar, honey and worchesteshire. Its really yum, paird with garlic butter rice and stir-fried asparagus with bacon. =)
I just bought myself a Nintendo DS Lite Crimson Black. Have yet to receive it yet, since I just ordered and paid for it today. Should get it maybe on Tuesday or Wednesday I hope. As for the R4, since I cant get it in Singapore because it's illegal, I have decided to get it in Sydney. The games are soooooo expensive, omg omg.. 1 DS game is like at least S$40-S$70, depending on the games. I'm definitely getting Legend of Zelda and Harvest Moon DS. I'll get like 1 or 2 games and then when I get my R$ from Sydney, I'll go download the rest that I want. =)
Time passes so quickly, the weekend is almost over. Oh well, thats it for me. I'm tired.. Have a great week ahead everyone.. =)
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Now, there is this movie I will definitely be catching once it's out! It looks so funny and a confirmed 'chick-flick' in my books. I'm sure I am gonna love it! (and get the DVD to watch reruns of it too..)
Anyways, enjoy!
*Look out for the part when she starts to sing, and the guy says:'No singing, just walk.' It's so hilarious, considering how the characters always break into a song in animated movies*
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Nostalgic moments..
Here's a picture to prove it!

And another one..

and another one..

Ok ok.. I'll stop. I hope you will be kind and say I look cute.
And in a blink of an eye, I'm almost 22 and someday, I'll be having babies and starting a family! Oh god, the thought excites and scares me..
I've been through quite a lot in these 21 years of my life, both good and bad. I'm not perfect but I try to do the right things most of the times. I'm really grateful for the way my parents raised me. Situations, scenarios and choices also helped shape the way I am today. My friends also helped because they help me discover myself and allowed me to be myself (or not be myself) when I was still learning and growing up.
I've been quite blessed to have a good family and friends. I hope when I become a parent one day, they will get what I had when I was growing up. =)
Life has been pretty mundane. Work, WoW and experimenting with food. =)
Although, what's actually exciting me is the antipation of the COUNTDOWN to The Land Down Under to end!! Its exactly 42 more days till I arrive!! OMG OMG! I CAN'T WAIT!
Places to go to, People to meet, Clothes to buy, Food to be eaten..
So many things to do, and so little time!!
I've already started planning on what to bring already, slowly accumulating what I need on the trip already. It's actually just an excuse to allow me to spend money. Hee..
Aite, it's late already and I should be in bed. =)
Hope you guys have a good week ahead!
And before I truly go off to bed....

That's me and my brother! =) He was so cute!!! If you're wondering what's up with my face, it's just a case of sibling rivalry. I disliked my bro when I was younger because from the moment he was born, I was no longer the apple of my parents' eyes! I used to pinch him really hard when my mom wasn't looking and made him cry. But then again, I was always the 'naughty' one. Hahaha... Always getting smacked!! =P
But truth be told, I'm so glad I was never an only child! =) Someone to fight with, and have fun with and make fun of!! LoL! It's the best times of our lives! We're all grown up now but I hope even when we've gone on with our lives and start our own families, that we will still be close as we are now..
Time to go.. Niteys all..
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
I could get used to this...
I've been told I snore and drool occasionally when I sleep.
I've been told I take a very long time to get ready.
I've also been told I'm mean at times, and very very PMS-sy.
But despite all these, he puts up with me and still loves me like I'm his angel. =)
I must have done something good to be able to find someone like you, babyee. Thanks for your love, and showing me how to love all over again.
This is dedicated to you, Mr Mathew Yeung.
I love you.

I Could Get Used To This - The Veronicas
You make me breakfast in bed
When I'm mixed up in my head
You wake me with a kiss
I could get used to this
You think I look the best
When my hair is a mess
I can't believe you exist
I could get used to this
Because I know you're too good to be true
I must have done something good to meet you
'Cause you wrote my name across your hand
When I freak you understand
There is not a thing you miss
And I could get used to this
I'm feeling it comin' over me
With you it all comes naturally
Lost the reflex to resist
And I could get used to this
You love the songs I write
You like the movies I like
There must be some kind of twist
But I could get used to this
You kiss me listen to me when I'm depressed
It doesn't seem to make you like me less
'Cause you wrote my name across your hand
When I freak you understand
There is not a thing you miss
And I could get used to this
I'm feeling it comin' over me
With you it all comes naturally
Lost the reflex to resist
And I could get used to this
If there's a dark side to you I haven't seen it
Every good thing you do feels like you mean it
'Cause you wrote my name across your hand
When I freak you understand
There is not a thing you miss
And I could get used to this
I'm feeling it comin' over me
With you it all comes naturally
Lost the reflex to resist
And I could get used to this
'Cause you wrote my name across your hand
When I freak you understand
There is not a thing you miss
And I could get used to this
You make me breakfast in bed
When I'm mixed up in my head
You wake me with a kiss
And I could get used to this
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Dentist... Yikes~!
I'll be going for an appointment later, to do some checking up. Oh boy! I hope it does not hurt. >.<
Wish me luck! =)
P.S. Now I know why I dun go to the dentist often. I HATE IT! Hurts like hell~!
Sunday, 21 October 2007
I'm going to work harder now, in everything I do. Especially me and Mathew.
Each Other - Katherine McPhee
Yeah, yeah
No more lonely nights to hurt me
No more tears left to spare
No more reasons to be unhappy
You threw them all up in there air
And I don't know how you did it
But you made me a believer
I never thought that love could turn someone into a dreamer
For the first time in my life I don't feel like a need a breather
'Cause everywhere I'm gonna go I wanna know you're gonna be there
I'd give it all up for you (I'd give it all up for you)
Do anything you asked me to (Anything you asked me to)
You're like a pillow I can hold on to
Cause we got each other
We got each other
Now that this has gone away
You left me here without a trace
And now I'm in a brand new place
'Cause we got each other
We got each other, yeah
And some times in the past almost pulled us under
But we got through all that and it made us stronger
Through the good, through the bad
There just ain't another
You're the best thing I have and we got each other
When the harder times confront me
You always show me that you care, yeah
And I believe you are my rescue
When I see you right there
(So when I see you right there)
And I don't know how you did it but you made me a believer (Beliver)
I never thought that love could turn someone into a dreamer (Dreamer)
For the first time in my life I don't feel like a need a breather
'Cause everywhere I'm gonna go I wanna know you're gonna be there
I'd give it all up for you
Do anything you asked me to (Anything you asked me to)
Anything you asked me to
You're like a pillow I can hold on to
'Cause we got each other
Baby we got each other
Now that this has gone away (Now this has gone away)
You left me here without a trace (You left me here without a trace)
And now I'm in a brand new place
'Cause we got each other
We got each other
You are the hand that I reach for
When I don't want to be alone
You are the voice I hear at night
Lets me know I'll be alright
When I need a real good friend
Don't have to look far
You're the best
I'm safe here in your arms
And I know this is where I belong
'Cause I'd give it all up for you
Do anything you asked me to (Anything you asked me to)
You're like a pillow I can hold on to (Hey)
'Cause we got each other
Baby we got each other
Now that this has gone away (It's gone away)
You left me here without a trace (Trace)
And now I'm in a brand new place (I'm in a brand new place)
'Cause we got each other
Baby we got each other
No matter what happens we got each other
Had some times in the past but we got each other
Through the good through the bad we still got each other
Really happy or sad but we got each other
I'd give it all up for you (Oh-oh)
Do anything you asked me to (Oh-oh)
You're like a pillow I can hold on to (Oh-oh)
'Cause we got each other
We got each other (Yeah, yeah)
Now that this has gone away
You left me here without a trace (Hey)
And now I'm in a brand new place
'Cause we got each other
Baby we got each other
And some times in the past almost pulled us under (Oh-oh)
But we got through all that and it made us stronger (Oh-oh)
Through the good, through the bad (Oh-oh)
There just aint another
You're the best thing I have and we got each other...
Friday, 19 October 2007
Moving on..
Today was relatively alright and boring. I just realised how much closer my relationship with mom has become. And also the fact that I've become more sensible. Although there are still some flashes of 'immature-ness', I'm doing an alright job of living my life.
I went for my first ever Pilates class yesterday. Whoever said that it was relaxing, LIED! I woke up feeling aches all over, my arms, thighs and the spot where my abs are supposed to be.
It hurts like hell the day after, but I had heaps of fun during the class laughing at myself because I could not maintain my movements and breathing. I was lying down on the mat for like 3/4 of the time and I feel like I ran 2km. But I could feel muscles that I never knew existed on me become sore! Haha. I will be going back for more punishment though, MARK MY WORDS!
Work was the same, and went out with mom and Mikey after for shopping and dinner at Causeway Point. Was fun, but I was really tired (due to lack of sleep and sore body) so did not have as much fun. Also, the fact I have a pus/pimple (also known as 'eye needle' pronounced in Mandarin) irrtating the hell outta my eye pretty much dampened the mood.
Came home and had to worry about Mat cause he did not give me a call or message. All sort of thoughts were running through my mond, and none were pleasant. Le sigh.. Anyways, finally could not stand it anymore, and found his house number and called him. Turns out, the silly boy drank so much, he got sick when he went home and fell into a deep slumber. All that worrying for nothing! *Bleah*
Anyways, feeling a little bit better now, so I'm going to go sleep cause I have work again tomorrow. =P
My twitching eyelid has been bothering me and telling me I need more rest today. Have you ever had a twitching eyelid before? It's actually a very funny feeling. I laugh everytime my eye twitches. Lol... Silly silly Ivy! Time for bed!!
Cyas all, and have a great weekend!
Monday, 15 October 2007
That's what you get..
Day started pretty alright. Then it rained. It was ok, cause I love the aftermath of a storm or heavy rain. Everything smells so clean and fresh.
Went to work and met some silly lady who wasted 5 mins of my life trying to argue with me. Ignored that silly woman and then was fine, until something started pissing me off. It's hard to explain but it's sorta like a pet peeve of mine. Finished work and then the resentment and anger just sorta festered even more.
Now it's kinda full-blown and I'm so frustrated, it just makes me wanna cry. I cannot do anything about it, and I can't talk to anyone about it because it is just plain weird.
Bah........ I just wish I could crawl into a hole sometimes and then come out when I'm ready to face the world.
Maybe it's just a bad case of Monday Blues for me. Hell, everyone gets them, why not me? Depressing depressing end to a beautiful day.
Something is wrong with me. I seem to be having bad blood circulation to my head, because my head has been feeling kinda 'heavy', coupled with being nauseous and dizzy. Need to take care of myself.
I also want to lose some weight. Feel so fat and disgusted with myself. But with the mood I'm in, I just dun feel like doing anything. I have that 'eat, grow fat and rot away' attitude now. When I feel angry or sad, I eat. Not sweets, or chocolates but CARBS (think Potatoes, Rice, Noodles, Bread etc). You name it, I'll eat them.
What am I to do?
I have recently been Paramore-d. Lol.. My bro added it into my pc, so I thought why not give em a chance and listen to their songs. But they were too loud for me on the first listen. Then Nura went to the concert, and linked some videos of em. I went to youtube them and wow! They are actually pretty good, esp live! So I had a listen to the full album again, and this is my favourite song.
Hope you guys like it as much as I do. =)
Thats What You Get - Paramore
No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore
It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score
And why do we like to hurt, so much?
I can't decide
You have made it harder just to go on
And why, all the possibilities where I was wrong
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I wonder, how am I supposed to feel when you're not here
Cause I burned every bridge I ever built when you were here
I still try holding onto silly things, I never learn
Oh why, all the possibilities I'm sure you've heard
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
I drowned out all my sense with the sound of its beating (beating)
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
Hey, make your way to me, to me
And I'll always be just so inviting
If I ever start to think straight
This heart will start a riot in me
Let's start, start, hey!
Why do we like to hurt so much?
Oh why do we like to hurt so much?
That's what you get when you let your heart win!
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
That's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
Now I can't trust myself with anything but this
And that's what you get when you let your heart win, whoa
P.S. I know they are like really young and punkish rock band, and I'm like an old old person. Buy hey, music has no rules, not even age limit! and anyways, I am young at heart! =P
Have a great week ahead!
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
=) Today was a better day compared to yesterday, thanks to some people. (My babyee and Cherryblushy)
Bought some clothes again just now. Lol.. that means no more spending for me this month again.
Did I mention I'll be going for a pedicure this Friday? Pamper pamper time. Hee.
Need to go sleep now. Work tomorrow. =)
Another new day, and 1 day closer to being with my babyee.
P.S. Hope you enjoyed your purchases, Cherry. Hit me with orders when you see anything you like on the website, aite? I'm a member (discounts galore), and that goes for all you shop-aholics out there. My recommendation : PaperGirlsShop
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
Feeling really lonely and miserable.
I cried, felt a little better but still feeling really down.
What made it worst was the fact someone yelled at me, and left me to it to deal with it alone.
Granted, I wasn't in a very talkative mood and just wanted some care and concern. He decided I was being mopey and just left me.
Now I'm miserable and sad. I feel like talking to someone and borrowing someone's shoulders to cry on. But I just can't make myself do it. Dun feel like burdening people with my sucky mood and problems.
So I'm back to square one, being miserable, alone and tired.
I hate my life.
Monday, 8 October 2007
Then I decided to retype a new one with a happier content. Crying is a good way to release all unhappiness and is actually very therapeutic. I occasionally cry myself to sleep when I'm too tired, or feeling extremely emotional and unloved. After that, I dry my tears and life goes on. =)
I couldn't sleep last night and decided to dig out all my photos that I keep for memories sake. I had a nostalgic moment because a few of them were taken with a friend whom I had a misunderstanding with and was not speaking to. I had actually been thinking about her on and off for a while, wanting to make things up with her and even had a dream about her. But I always had this fear that she would reject me.
Today, I received a message from her. I could not believe my eyes and was very very happy. We asked about each other and even decided to meet up this coming Friday. I've decided when I see her, I'm gonna clear that misunderstanding. =) It's not right to just leave it like that, unsaid
and forgotten.
Anyways, I hope things go smoothly for me this month. Been feeling kinda down since the start of the month, realising I haven't accomplished much and feeling really old and tired. It seems like just not too long ago I turned 21 and now, I'm gonna be 22 soon. Need to pick myself up and decide wat I want soon, cause I'm not young anymore.
I just finished a book by Anchee Min, 'Empress Orchid'. The book was very well written and made me feel really sad. I learnt a lot of things I never knew about China and The Forbidden City. It was an eye-opener for me and it was actually based on the last Empress of China, which makes it even more interesting. The writer wrote it in the view of the Empress herself and followed it according to all the research she did, with the help of historians and records.
I like reading books like that, history has always interest me and one that has a tragic love story is even more appealing especially if it is based on a true person. I guess I'm a sucker for romance and also for the tragic ending. Makes you know that life is not a bed of roses and love never always have a fairytale ending of 'happily ever after'.
Oh well, thats all for tonight I think. Need to try to go to sleep, haven't been feeling well at all today. Nauseous and having a headache is not fun at all.
Good night everyone, hope you have a better week than I do.
Monday, 17 September 2007
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
Like a friend once said, its the same things happening on different days.
I'm bored. There's gotta be something I can do with my life. I don't want to be doing this everyday. I want to be doing something I'm enthusiastic about. Instead of dragging myself off to work because I have to.
I need encouragement and support. I don't need negative comments.
Most of all, I need motivation.
Lack of interest in everything does not help.
My life is in a stand-still and I hate it.I need help. Is there anyone out there who wants to help me?
GRRR! I hate myself sometimes.
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Very funny and extremely sad movie. I like it very very much and have watched it twice in like 3 days. I'll be getting the soundtrack and the DVD for this movie because its a show you can watch again and again and again. =)
Byul by Kim Ah Joong
바람결이 창을 흔들고 내 키만한 작은 나의 방위로
아름답게 별빛들을 가득 채워주네요
셀수없이 많은 별들은 지쳐있는 나를 어루만지며
내 맘 속에 가득담은 눈물 닦아주네요
많이 아파하지마.. 날 꼭 안은채 다독여주며
잘자라 위로해주네요
걷지못할만큼 힘에 겨워 아파와도
눈물이 앞을 가려와도
갖지못할 내 사랑 앞에도 나 웃을래요
잠시라도 곁에 행복했던 기억들은 가슴에 간직할게요
두 눈에 수 놓아진 저 별들처럼 영원히
꿈을 꾸듯 다가오네요 유난히도 밝은 나의 별 하나
눈부시게 반짝이며 어깨위로 내려와
자꾸 슬퍼하지마.. 손 꼭 잡은채 날 만져주며
따스히 날 감싸주네요
걷지못할만큼 힘에 겨워 아파와도
눈물이 앞을 가려와도
갖지못할 내 사랑 앞에도 나 웃을래요
잠시라도 곁에 행복했던 기억들은 가슴속에 간직할게요
두 눈에 수 놓아진 저 별들처럼
나 오늘만은 안 울어요 눈물이 가득 차와도
저기 저 별들처럼 나 웃을래요
Oh~ 행복했던 기억 모두 가슴에 간직할게요
두 눈에 수 놓아진 저 별들처럼 영원히
Ba ram gyeol i Chang eul Heun deul go Nae Ki man han Jak eun Na ui Bang wi ro
A reum dap ge Byul bit deul eul Ga deuk Chae wo ju ne yo
Man i A pa ha ji ma.. Nal Kkok An uen chae Da dok yeo ju myeo
Jal ja ra Wi ro hae ju ne yo
Geot ji Mot hal man keum Him e gyeo wo A pa wa do
Nun mul i Ap eul Ga ryeo wa do
Gat ji mot hal Nae Sa rang Ap e do Na Ut eul rae yo
Jam si ra do Gyeot e Haeng bok haet deon Gi eok deol eun Ga seum e Gan jik hal ge yo
Du Nun e Su Noh a jin Jeo Byul deul cheo reom Yeong won hi
Thursday, 6 September 2007
I Love...
I like cats, but I'm afraid of the claws cause they scratch. They make great pets, just not when u have expensive leather couches.

I like dogs too, but I cant stand the smell of wet dog. They make terrific pets, but they can be hard on your pockets if their favourite hobby is chewing up your expensive new shoes.

Oh well, guess you cant please everyone.. =P
Have a great weekend!
Monday, 27 August 2007
Yum Yum...
Notice the common theme between them? =)
I made hamburgers for dinner on Saturday. From scratch.
It's actually really fun, and much more cheaper than eating out or buying already premade ones. Another fact is that I know exactly what went into the meat. It was a lot of trial and error, but thats half of the fun, imo. =) I think I'm addicted to cooking. Haha...
Will be trying more stuff this weekend.
Thursday, 23 August 2007
dreams...? nightmares...?
Or are the nightmares?
Sigh... I'm scared, I need someone to hold me...
Sunday, 19 August 2007
Only interesting thing is the fact I've been really interested in learning how to cook lately. Trial and error cooking, follow the recipe cooking and even 'I'm hungry so lets just whip something up' cooking.
Which is technically not very good, considering the fact that I'm trying to lose weight.
Tried to make Garlic Prawn Pasta earlier this evening. It was alright, just not flavorful enough. Couldnt get the taste of the herbs and chilli out from the oil into the pasta. The garlic was yummy though. Maybe I'll try it again with fresh herbs, and steeping chillies into the oil, so the taste are infused into it.
I've been trying to find a basic cooking class, where I can learn all the basics. Never knew its so hard to find, even with the internet. Guess I need to ask for some help. =)
Anyways, I guess thats it. Kinda tired today and I should be sleeping soon.
Nights everyone. Have a great week ahead. =)
Monday, 30 July 2007
Saying goodbye..
I think at least its a feat this time that I can numb myself and make myself busy until its time to face reality that I'm alone here again. When its time to go to bed alone and smell him on your bed, in your mind and memories.
Its raining and gloomy here when I was on my way back. Kinda coincidental since that was how I felt. Cold, numb and alone..
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Finally, its over...
All I can say is, best series ever.
The whole thing was sad because through the whole series, you've come to learn and understand each and every single unique character. But it is finally over.
I'm not going to spoil it for anyone, but I love the ending.
Have a great week ahead~!
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Yes yes, I'm a sucker for romantic stories..
Just read Cherry's blog and she posted about how she and Seng met, and I was thoroughly going 'Awww, so sweet'! =)
Although she said something about LDR (Long Distance Relationship) not working, I'll like to prove that wrong. Being in Singapore, girls that I know tend to believe that LDR will never work. When I got together with Mat, even my best friend was skeptical (she still is). But I realise none of that matters if I work hard at it, and believe that Mat is doing the same thing. Being a couple is a commitment between 2 person, and everyone else does not matter as much. I mean, IT IS a relationship with your other half, not all your friends, colleagues etc.
My parents have met him, and they love him. =) Although mom still asks me not to take it so seriously, considering its a LDR, I always tell her I trust Mat that he will never do anything to hurt me. Call me naive if you want, but I really do believe in him. But then again, my parents overcame distance and my paternal grandma, and look where they are now! Still happily married after almost 25 years of marriage.
Anyways, here is our story:
Mat and I were just friends playing World of Warcraft like a year ago. He was with his then-girlfriend and I was sorta drifting in and out of a 'temporary' relationship. We were guildmates and nothing more. I guess it started when he became single and we started flirting a little. I had the hots for his voice, never mind that I have never met him. It was always different when I'm talking with him, cause we have a lot in common, yet we're different in so many ways. He always made me laugh and feel precious, whereas my then-on-off boyfriend did not.
Because I was such a social butterfly, I had lots of pictures up in guild forums cause of all the events I organized for the Singapore clan of the guild. =P So he knew how I looked but I still have no idea about him. Then he sent me some of his dancing videos and boy, was I hooked. I'm a sucker for a guy that dances (especially break-dancing). =)
So we were just hanging out in Wow, when Mat decides to come over to Singapore for a week. So I went about making plans for a gathering to meet him, even though I had to work. We met and my first thought when I saw him was: He looks so cute! Haha.. We did not spend much time because of work, but we did went out during the nights and weekend. He was funny, friendly and very unlike all the boys I've dated.
After spending that week with him, I finally said goodbye to my ex to be with Mat and I've never looked back. It might sound so cruel, but its the best decision I have made and everyone is happy. Now Mat and I have been together for almost 8 months, and he'll be coming to see me again next week. =)
We've had our ups and downs, I mean who does not. But ultimately, like I've told everyone, I will want to be in the same place as Mat when I am able to. Meanwhile, I'll just work and explore the options I have until that time comes.
I hope you enjoyed my story. Post yours if you haven't already! *hint hint*
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Sunday, 15 July 2007
How do I breathe
Anyways, thanks to a dear playmate of mine, I got to know about this song. And it simply melts my heart. (Again, another sign that I'm aging?) Hope you people enjoy it as much as I do.
How do I breathe - Mario
How do I breathe
How do I breathe
It feels so different being here
I was so used to being next to you
Life for me is not the same
There's no one to talk to
I don't know why I let it go too far
Starting over its so hard
Seems like everywhere I try to go
I keep thinking of you
I just had a wake up call
I wish I never never let you fall
Baby you were not the blame at all
Remember when I pushed you away
Baby if you knew I cared
You'd have never went no where
That I should have been right there
How do I breathe
Without you here by my side
How will I see
When your love brought me to the light
Where do I go
When your heart's where I lay my head
When you're not with me
How do I breathe
How do I breathe
Girl I'm losing my mind
Yes I made a mistake
I thought that you would be mine
Guess the joke was on me
I miss ya so bad I can't sleep
I wish I knew where you could be
Another dude is replacin' me
That this can't be happenin'
I just had a wake up call
I wish I never never let you fall
Baby you were not the blame at all
Remember when I pushed you away
Baby if you knew I cared
You'd have never went no where
That I should have been right there
How do I breathe
Without you here by my side
How will I see
When your love brought me to the light
Where do I go
When your heart's where I lay my head
When you're not with me
How do I breathe
How do I breathe
I can't get over you, no
Baby I don't wanna let go
Girl you need to come home back to me
Cause girl you made it hard to breathe
Oooh when you're not with me
How do I breathe
Without you here by my side
How will I see
When your love brought me to the light
Where do I go
When your heart's where I lay my head (Where do I where do I go)
When you're not with me (Whooaa)
How do I breathe
How do I breathe (how do I breathe)
Without you here by my side
How will I see
When your love brought me to the light
(How will I see when you leave me baby)
Where do I go
When your heart's where I lay my head (Where do I go)
When you're not with me (You're not with me)
How do I breathe (How do I breathe)
How do I breathe (yeeaaeaah)
Saturday, 14 July 2007
I hate..
Friday, 13 July 2007
Its OUT~!!!!
Everytime I see the trailer, my whole body tingles non stop. Thats how excited I am. I heard they are already filming the next part before the actors/actresses in the movie becomes too old for their respective parts.
The last book is due out this month too. I'm gonna read the Half Blood Prince to refresh myself before it comes out. =)
Have a great weekend everyone~!
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Huiyi is a very dear childhood friend of mine. We used to hang out and play everyday after school, because she happened to live directly above my mom's old workplace. And needless to say, we're always at her house watching tv, playing girly make-believe games and just having fun.
After I switched schools when I turned 10, I never really saw her again. We became involved in our own lives, new friends and just drifted apart. But we did meet once. 4 years ago, for lunch in town. I was surprised she actually contacted me to ask me out, and I thought why not. She was still the same as i remembered her then, only a bit more mature in thinking. But thats wat happens when people grow up.
So yesterday, we met up for coffee. Or rather, we had tea in a coffee place. It was a nice place, Essential Brew. Affordable prices, relaxed ambience and friendly staff were there to help this catch-up session progress smoothly. I was actually having 2nd thoughts about going because I was scared. Questions were going through my mind: What are we gonna talk about? What if it became awkward? What if we're both so different, we have nothing in common anymore?
But meeting her last night, was the best decision I have made in a while. It was as though the years never mattered. We still have loads to talk about, especially our school days. We talked about whats happening in our own lives, our goals for now and our own schoolmates' and whats happening with them. All in all a very good time.
I'm going over to her place laters to meet her mom, say hi since its a very long while. Then she's coming down to my mom's old workplace to meet the 'Jie jie' we like to tease when we were younger and also to see my mom. =) I think we'll make more time to meet up now..
Tomorrow is Dad's birthday. I got a cake for him, and we're gonna celebrate with him today. =) I hope he enjoys today, considering his pet fish died like 2 days ago. He was sad, and I felt sad for him cause I know how it feels when a pet dies. Anyways, tats all for today. I'm going to get ready to go out.. =)
Have a great week ahead.
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Silly post
Just came home from work, feeling tired and very hot now. Blame the crazy Singapore weather we have here. Yesterday was pretty nice and cool. Today was crazy hot and a lil humid. I wonder how its going to be tomorrow?
Anyways, I'm quite happy cos I bought something for myself today. =) Its a portable Mp3 speaker/charger electronic thingy. And its metallic pink~! Lol.. I'm not a very big fan of pink on me, but other stuffs, as long as its cute overall, is a-ok by me. Its actually pretty redundant, but I love spending money, so it's going to be used or kept until I get my room back. =) Then it will be able to shine.
Debs is now in USA right now, on a holiday with her parents. Lucky girl! I'm loving the silly pictures she's putting up, of signposts and bus-stops. What can I say, my Debs is a weird girl. =P Hope she have loads of fun and she'd better bring me something back from USA~!
Seeing her have her holiday, makes me wanna travel too. Did I mention SIA is holding interviews for cabin crew positions on the 16th July? I'm thinking of going for a try, so at least I can say I tried. It would mean going back to campus to collect my Diploma. Sigh, I hate my old campus, cos strangely, I never really quite fit in. Oh wells, what has to be done, must be done. Will go back maybe next week. =)
I'm gonna try to bake bread this weekend. =) Old fashioned baked in the oven bread. I would prefer at least going for a short basic course but cant seem to find any. So its DIY for me, wish me luck ok. I'm not gonna stop until I bake the 'perfect' bread!
I think thats it for me, my eyes are about to pop out. O_O Will be back soon with results and everyone have a great week ahead alright.
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
The First Of a New Blog
I think its a very wonderful thing to have the sense of smell to remember things by. I'm sure I'm not the only one who recalls people, incidents or things by associating smells with them. I remember a class I went for and how the lecturer was telling us that our brain unconscious register certain smells to a certain things or persons in our life.
For example, someone who stole your boy/girl from you. now think of the scent they wear and everytime u smell that scent, you'll think of the person and the things they did to you.
So, I'll write about my 5 fave smells in the whole world. =)
4) I like the smell of pastry being baked in the oven. I just have this warm fuzzy feeling whenever I bake something at home or when I walk past a bakery. Its weird because I'm not a huge fan of eating pastry, but I just love the smell of it. It actually inspires me to do some baking on my own. Lol.. =)
5) Last but not least, I like the smell of clean fresh air. Be it in the mountains, or when I'm at the beach and the sea breeze pass me by. Maybe because we don't get to notice these things in our daily lives, we should pamper ourselves a bit more. Who will love ourselves if we don't do the occasional loving for ourselves (and i do not mean that type of 'self-loving'). Take a day off work to go to the beach, or the weekend off to rent a cabin up in the mountains, with your loved ones and enjoy the little little things in life.
I hope this post gives you something to think about. I would appreciate if you guys write about your own fave smells and why. =)