Monday, 27 August 2007

Yum Yum...

I have 2 movies I'm interested in watching when they come out.


Notice the common theme between them? =)

I made hamburgers for dinner on Saturday. From scratch.

It's actually really fun, and much more cheaper than eating out or buying already premade ones. Another fact is that I know exactly what went into the meat. It was a lot of trial and error, but thats half of the fun, imo. =) I think I'm addicted to cooking. Haha...

Will be trying more stuff this weekend.

Thursday, 23 August 2007

dreams...? nightmares...?

I've been having strange dreams...

Or are the nightmares?

Sigh... I'm scared, I need someone to hold me...

Sunday, 19 August 2007


I haven't been posting at all. Nothing to post i guess, because my life is mundane.

Only interesting thing is the fact I've been really interested in learning how to cook lately. Trial and error cooking, follow the recipe cooking and even 'I'm hungry so lets just whip something up' cooking.

Which is technically not very good, considering the fact that I'm trying to lose weight.

Tried to make Garlic Prawn Pasta earlier this evening. It was alright, just not flavorful enough. Couldnt get the taste of the herbs and chilli out from the oil into the pasta. The garlic was yummy though. Maybe I'll try it again with fresh herbs, and steeping chillies into the oil, so the taste are infused into it.

I've been trying to find a basic cooking class, where I can learn all the basics. Never knew its so hard to find, even with the internet. Guess I need to ask for some help. =)

Anyways, I guess thats it. Kinda tired today and I should be sleeping soon.

Nights everyone. Have a great week ahead. =)