She was born on the 12 Feb 2010, and I got her from a home breeder. She is super cute and fluffy.. She is also super energetic and loves to eat! Her goal in life is to become an explorer, which she does quite often when I take her out of her cage to play with her. She also likes to chew on wires and bra straps.
She has this little cube toy that I bought for her, made out of ceramic and has a hole cut out on each sides except for the bottom, which she likes to sleep inside and pop her head out of the top hole just to look at you when you walk past.
She has a really keen sense of smell because whenever I feed Mantou first instead of her, she will hang onto the side of her cage, eagerly awaiting her nomnoms. Although she is younger than Mantou by 6 days, she is heavier and chubbier than he is.
She has this trick, whereby she tries to act 'cute' so that she will not get into trouble, or try to beg a treat from me. I love this tiny fluff ball of trouble, because she is such a joy to me.
Here's some pictures of her.. =P Enjoy!

On the first day I got her. In this picture, she is grooming herself. Look how soft and fluffy her baby fur is... SO NICE!!

I grabbed her really tight, so that she would be still for this picture. Same first day, and she is still trying to get used to me as her owner.. =P

A week after being with me, in her nice new cage. Here, I just gave her a carrot slice and she's happily munching away.. She doesn't do this anymore, cause she just stuffs food into her cheek pouches to eat later..

Here, her cheek pouches are full of broccoli. Haha.. I love this picture, cause she looked like she got caught stealing food!
These series of pictures were taken just last week.

Having a blast manuvering in and out of my blanket.

Oh no, I got spotted!

Look at that cute furry butt!

Noooo!!! I did not chew the wire!! I swear!!!
Lol, that's all the mischief for now. =)
Aww so cute!!!! I love the pic where the cheeks are full. HAHAHAh