Thursday 15 April 2010

Pros and cons..

Sometimes, I feel life would be much easier and simpler when one is single. There are many things a single person will not have to worry about when one isn't in a relationship.

But then again... When one is single, there is a lot of things they cannot get from being in a relationship..

Maybe it's true what they say, the grass is always greener on the other side. But when you get to the other side, you might feel that, your side was probably just as good as the other side..


How can people feel loved and unloved at the same time?

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Highs and Lows

A friend once commented that I am a very emotion-driven person. When I am happy, I am all the way on the top.. But when I feel down, I really feel like I hit rock bottom..

So I said goodbye to my dear friend today at his funeral. There were so many people present. If only he would pick up the phone and call any 600 of us to talk. But he already made his choice, and there's nothing we can do. I feel so sad for his family, and the people who loved him, including our circle of friends, who have been crying our eyes out ever since we found out.

Makes you evaluate what is truly important in your life and what's not. Maybe if he learn not to care so much, he might not feel like he's all alone, and do something drastic.

Because I am emotionally driven, sometimes when I feel down, I do feel like taking my own life. But I know I could never do it, because of all the people I love. However, if I were sick with depression, maybe all I can think of is to end everything to solve all my problems.

Sigh, seeing a friend leave us so early, makes me sad.

Maybe I should learn to numb myself. If I'm numb, I will not hurt as much. Getting hurt by the people you love is probably the most devastating thing that can happen to another human being.. And if I dun get hurt, I will be alive..

Monday 5 April 2010

R.I.P My dearest friend, Tze Xian

A friend of mine ended his life today.

Many emotions are going through me now. Disbelief and anger are the most prominent ones. However, he made his choice and there's nothing anyone can do now but to respect his choice.

We used to be really close friends, but then circumstances changed but we still catch up once in a while. He was always a happy-go-lucky person like me. No matter what happens, he will always have this cheeky smile on. Whether he be emo or neutral. He loved to sing, and he loved to sing songs that are full of longing for love.

There's a lot of what ifs going on in our circle of friends who knew him. Why he did what he did, and how we could all have helped to prevent this ending. But I think he already decided what he wanted to do.

Since nothing can be undone, all I can say to him is...

To my dearest Tze Xian,

Even though we haven't been friends for a long time, I will always treasure our special friendship. I will sincerely miss all your smiles, your laughter, your silly grins and I will miss all the times we shared.

I hope that where ever you are right now, you have found peace from what you were trying to run away from. I think God must have needed you right away, which is why he took you away from us.

But I know, I will see you again eventually. So I will be waiting for that day, when I will get to meet you again. We will have so much to catch up on. =)

You will always be in my heart because of the friendship I have with you.

A friend who will truly miss your company,