Thursday 29 July 2010

Handle with Care

I just bought and finished my first Jodi Picoult book last week. I must say, super super sad story. She specialises in novels that questions morals.

For example, the book with the same blog title which I bought, it's about this young girl named Willow who was born with a brittle bone disease. The family is already struggling financially as it is. So the mother, Charlotte decides to sue the doctor for wrongful birth., meaning if she had known earlier about the disease, she would have aborted the baby. Even though everyone will judge her and hate her, if she won, she would have enough money to ensure that Willow would be able to have the best care she can afford in the world. But the doctor she is suing, is Charlotte's best friend.

What would you do?

It's such a case of, I wouldn't know what I would do if I were in the situation type thing. Throughout the whole novel, the characters kept going playing the 'What if?' games. Life is so unpredictable and full of challenges. How does one really cope when you're already burdened with problems as it is?


Anyways, on a lighter note, I downloaded Jason Derulo's new album and I must say, it's pretty good. There's a song in there titled 'Riding Solo' which totally suits people who just got out of a relationship. This song celebrates being single and being able to go through the phase after breakup.

Hope you enjoy it!


  1. Hmm that's a tough decision. I hope I'll never face such a decision. *_*

  2. From a legal prespective, it would be very hard to prove that the doctor was professionally negligent. The only avenue would be to prove that the doctor should have tested for brittle bone disease, however this was not requested by the parent or is this a common ailment. Therefore the disease suffered by the child could be argued as not being reasonably forseeable. If this is the case the doctor would not be found negligent.

    Keeping this in mind I would not bring this action to court against the doctor as there is a decent chance I may lose and be forced to pay legal costs. Not to mention the stress and time it would take to resolve this issue would not be enjoyable.


  3. Lol Paul!


    Anyways, there is always a 50-50 chance they will lose.. But then it's up to the jury to decide whether or not they win.

    Still a very sad story though..
