Monday 17 September 2007


I'm at work now.. Been up since 7.15 am...

4 and 1/2 more hours till home run..

So physically tired right now.. and so looking forward to a long weekend break next week when my Babyee comes again..

Was listening to the radio before (98.7FM rawks~) and the DJs were asking listeners to sms in their opinions to the topic of the day, which was: Can Long Distance Relationship lasts?

8 outta 10 replies were all: No way in hell..

LoL, I was kinda sad hearing that because I happen to be in 1 and it's my first.. >.<

To tell ya the truth, It's hard. Really really hard. For someone who constantly likes to have their other half with them a lot, like me, this is a HUGEEEE difference. The fact that he's not there physically when you need him, no hugs and cuddles, no meeting up spontaneously and no one to tell ya what has happened when he's gone MIA (think not picking up the phone after trying to get him for an hour~!!!).

But.... The moments that we share together are treasured so much more because:

1) It is a limited time only. (We both have to work, ya know)

2) We learn even more things about each other.

3) We catch up more on personal life.

4) Lastly, we make sure we get and give enough hugs, cuddles and kisses till the next time we see each other!

LoL.. =)

Thats how I feel about Mat. I trust him and love him, so I'll do my best to make things work. It's also good that he loves me too.


Remember about the post about pets I told ya about? I miss having pets. And the next pet I get, I hope it's gonna be my fave one!

/swoons and dies..
Ok guys, thats all for today.. =)
Have a great week at work!

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