Monday 8 October 2007


I typed out a post and stared at it for 15 mins.

Then I decided to retype a new one with a happier content. Crying is a good way to release all unhappiness and is actually very therapeutic. I occasionally cry myself to sleep when I'm too tired, or feeling extremely emotional and unloved. After that, I dry my tears and life goes on. =)


I couldn't sleep last night and decided to dig out all my photos that I keep for memories sake. I had a nostalgic moment because a few of them were taken with a friend whom I had a misunderstanding with and was not speaking to. I had actually been thinking about her on and off for a while, wanting to make things up with her and even had a dream about her. But I always had this fear that she would reject me.

Today, I received a message from her. I could not believe my eyes and was very very happy. We asked about each other and even decided to meet up this coming Friday. I've decided when I see her, I'm gonna clear that misunderstanding. =) It's not right to just leave it like that, unsaid
and forgotten.

Anyways, I hope things go smoothly for me this month. Been feeling kinda down since the start of the month, realising I haven't accomplished much and feeling really old and tired. It seems like just not too long ago I turned 21 and now, I'm gonna be 22 soon. Need to pick myself up and decide wat I want soon, cause I'm not young anymore.


I just finished a book by Anchee Min, 'Empress Orchid'. The book was very well written and made me feel really sad. I learnt a lot of things I never knew about China and The Forbidden City. It was an eye-opener for me and it was actually based on the last Empress of China, which makes it even more interesting. The writer wrote it in the view of the Empress herself and followed it according to all the research she did, with the help of historians and records.

I like reading books like that, history has always interest me and one that has a tragic love story is even more appealing especially if it is based on a true person. I guess I'm a sucker for romance and also for the tragic ending. Makes you know that life is not a bed of roses and love never always have a fairytale ending of 'happily ever after'.

Oh well, thats all for tonight I think. Need to try to go to sleep, haven't been feeling well at all today. Nauseous and having a headache is not fun at all.

Good night everyone, hope you have a better week than I do.

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