Monday 22 December 2008

Tis the season to be..

Jolly~! Fah lalala la.. Fah lalala...

=) Sorry I haven't been updating, just so lazy to write about stuffs that I've been telling people about.

So my 1 week of term break from school is over and I'm back with 2 new subjects, Genetics and Physiology. So far so good, but the class schedule is kinda fucked up. But it's a good thing we have very nice and flexible teachers who are able to accomodate us working people and change the assignment datelines around a little.

Been out quite a bit, hanging and catching up with friends. I'm also very content with my life now, mainly because I have a special someone who is the light of my life, and also because my chapter with Mat is finally closed. Much as I want to feel happy because he is having such a hard time, I really can't. I'm totally over the fact that he'd rather choose some girl who treats him like shit, over me.

It's a good thing he did that though. Cause I'm much more certain about my life and just loving every day as it comes. I've made a lot more new friends, grown much more confident and started to re-aquaint with all my old ones. I am proud to say, I have fulfilled 3 outta 5 of my half year resolutions. =)
And these 3 are: (from this post)
2. Study hard and be one of the top 3 students in my foundation class.
3. Reconnect with old friends and make lots of new ones.
5. Finding who I am and what my limits are!

I'm taking up Thai Boxing (Muay Thai) in a bid to get fit and be more killer-like.. =P Going to sign up for the class this coming weekend.

Anyways, that's about it for now. Happy holidays everyone!

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