Sunday 19 September 2010


It annoys me to no ends, when you watch movies depicting history and you realise that it was a common practice for men back then to have mistresses and concubines.

Look at the French and English court, whereby a King can be married to his Queen, but visiting their ladies-in-waiting every single night. The Chinese Emperor and his hundreds of concubines. Even if they are not royalty, if men can afford it, they too can have mistresses and concubines.

Were there no such thing as monogamy back then?

Good thing we women have come a long long way, and DEMAND monogamy from our partners. Makes me feel proud and strong when women are now able to demand divorce when their other half cheats. Also makes me proud that some laws help us by making sure the guy gives us alimony, especially if there are kids involved.


Rant over~!


Nothing much has been happening to me. My brother finally passed his driving test and is a legal driver now. Haha.. Dad bought a new manual car that we get to use once his Evo 10 is fixed. =P

So I'm working hard towards getting my licence end of this year I hope.

For my dieting, I haven't been doing much. But I have cut down on my food intake, drinking more water, eating my supplements and squeezing in some exercise when I'm not too lazy.

That's about it.

Hope you people have a good week ahead..


  1. Tell me about it! MEN! Thank goodness we live in today's society. MONOGAMY FTW!

    Some country still allows men to have multiple wives though.

  2. Well it makes sense frankly. There are more women than men for that reason.

    Humans are designed that conception results generally in only one baby. Now, the primal goal in any species is to survive, and what better way to do that than breeding - ALOT. Now hes the cool part. It only takes one man to get lets say, 10 women pregnant. Hence why then are more women than men.

    Just look in nature before you look at history. Lion prides are made up of one dominant male and a whole bunch of females.
    That way you dont have lionesses sitting around collecting cats and reading Jane Austin books.

    So my dears, the question is: Should we deny an act that works so well in nature and leaves everyone loved?

    **The stick has poked the hornets nest** lol
