Monday 7 December 2009

The Pioneer Woman and her red cake

2 months ago, when I found out that my new blog idol, The Pioneer Woman Cooks, is coming out with a cookbook, I just had to have it. So I said very casually and subtle-ly to my boy: 'Baby! I WANT THAT COOKBOOK FOR CHRISTMAS!'

Ok, so that's not very subtle, or casual. But boy, did he deliver. He got me the cookbook and it's a full month before Christmas. I'm totally loving the book. The pictures are awesome. The food looks really yum. And it's written by PW!

So anyways, there's this recipe for Red Velvet Cake in the dessert section. I've seen it in many other cook blogs and I've never tasted it, but it looks so pretty, and vibrantly red. I seriously am thinking of making it and chronicle it in the chapter of 'My First Times in Life'.


But anyways, I won't be making that soon. I need to get some cake tins that are smaller in size because the household are not big fans of cakes. So if I do bake it, I would need to make a SMALL cake.

But I will be making this Molten Chocolate Lava Cake from Tasty Kitchen. I will make this tomorrow, with my muffin tins. I have the ingredients all on hand. I like foolproof recipes that even dummies can make. And PW makes it easier with the step by step pictures.

So anyways, that's about it for today.
Have a good week ahead everyone!


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