Friday 19 October 2007

Moving on..

It's the end of another week already. Funny how fast time flies when you really stop and look at it. It's almost the end of the year. =)

Today was relatively alright and boring. I just realised how much closer my relationship with mom has become. And also the fact that I've become more sensible. Although there are still some flashes of 'immature-ness', I'm doing an alright job of living my life.

I went for my first ever Pilates class yesterday. Whoever said that it was relaxing, LIED! I woke up feeling aches all over, my arms, thighs and the spot where my abs are supposed to be.

It hurts like hell the day after, but I had heaps of fun during the class laughing at myself because I could not maintain my movements and breathing. I was lying down on the mat for like 3/4 of the time and I feel like I ran 2km. But I could feel muscles that I never knew existed on me become sore! Haha. I will be going back for more punishment though, MARK MY WORDS!


Work was the same, and went out with mom and Mikey after for shopping and dinner at Causeway Point. Was fun, but I was really tired (due to lack of sleep and sore body) so did not have as much fun. Also, the fact I have a pus/pimple (also known as 'eye needle' pronounced in Mandarin) irrtating the hell outta my eye pretty much dampened the mood.

Came home and had to worry about Mat cause he did not give me a call or message. All sort of thoughts were running through my mond, and none were pleasant. Le sigh.. Anyways, finally could not stand it anymore, and found his house number and called him. Turns out, the silly boy drank so much, he got sick when he went home and fell into a deep slumber. All that worrying for nothing! *Bleah*

Anyways, feeling a little bit better now, so I'm going to go sleep cause I have work again tomorrow. =P

My twitching eyelid has been bothering me and telling me I need more rest today. Have you ever had a twitching eyelid before? It's actually a very funny feeling. I laugh everytime my eye twitches. Lol... Silly silly Ivy! Time for bed!!

Cyas all, and have a great weekend!