Tuesday 4 March 2008


What's up with beetles coming into my room to freaking terrorize me! I found 2 big golden ones in my room last night which freaking made me screech and jump all over the room, and 1 black one lying on my very comfortable big pink bed!! Eeks~!

Anyways, enough about them beetles, since I destroyed all 3 of em. =) Before you think that I tortured them, I'll just tell you how I got rid of them. I wrapped them up nicely in a piece of tissue (because I cannot standing holding them with my bare hands) and then throw them outta the window. Nice, easy and clean. =P

Ok, so here's the update I promised last week.

So 2 weeks ago, I went out to town with my brother to go down to town to so some shopping. We went down to have lunch first, since it was busy at work before and I did not have time for brekkie. We were deciding what to eat when Mikey remembered that a new Carl's Junior outlet has been opened at Far East Plaza, and because I have never had it, we went for it. The burgers were HUGE! I had half a burger and I was stuffed.

The trademark star. I love the idea of a napkin dispenser, and the bottles of salt and pepper on the table.

This was how big the burgers were. Mikey had a Western Bacon Cheeseburger, while I had the Portobello Mushroom Burger. We had Iced-Tea and Beef Chilli Cheese Fries.

Amazingly enough, Mikey finished everything of his, even my half eaten burger! We couldn't finish the fries though, so we just picked at the cheese and beef. =P

After lunch, we went down to Borders where I wanted to go get the new Jamie Oliver's recipe book, Jamie at Home. I actually asked a certain Mr Y to help me get it in Sydney, because they were having a sale at that time. But he, being one of the typical male species, did not get it done until a month later, when the sale was over and the price has gone back up. Le sigh.. So I went down the next day after he checked, to go get my book because I know Borders was having a sale here in Singapore. Like they say, when you want to get things done, it's always better to do it yourself! Went down and got the book and 3 other books. 2 for Mikey and 1 for me. =)

Did a bit of window shopping after, and in the course of window-shopping, I got myself a new CD. Then made my way home feeling exhausted and worn out. =)

The things I got. Sam Lee's 2nd album, Jamie at home recipe book and the novel, Marley and Me. (I highly recommend Marley and Me to all dog-lovers, pet-lovers and people who likes to read. A very readable, highly humorous and tremendously touching story.)


Nothing happened last week. Was just a normal work week, but I did went out on Friday with my bro and his friends. Boy, was that a HUGE mistake. It was like going out with 3 of Mikey! They were talking about Wow, cracking Wow jokes and being very very kiddish. LoL.. I felt so old and out of place! Anyways, we had lunch, did a little shopping and slacking around. After which they decided to go get their hair cut while I go back to work. =) Took some random pictures during the train ride to work.

Our reflections on the underground train station doors.

Our feet~! LoL.. My idea!!


I baked cookies yesterday. One thing I realised about cookie baking is that, you need to have a BIG oven so you can bake more cookies at one go. I have a medium size oven at home. I can roast chicken, maybe even a smallish turkey.

So I had to bake a total of 7 batches of cookies, which took about 2 hours to finish, thats from scratch till done. I made Macadamia and White Chocolate Cookies, mainly for mom because she likes macadamia nuts. The results were awesome. The cookies were crunchy at the sides, crumbly and chewy in the middle. It was not overly sweet, although I could cut down on the white chocolate next time, so as to have more of the nutty instead of chocolate-y taste.
I EVEN BURNT MYSELF~! First time I ever did that, and gawd.. IT WAS SO PAINFUL!!! Just one tiny burn, and I felt like dying. Hahaha.. Ok, a little exaggeration there. (I have a low threshold for pain.)

Here's the picture I took of my burn. I know it's barely there, but it hurts! So I'm making a big deal out of it, because this is my blog and I can whine as much as I like~! =P


Thats about it I guess. Sorry for such a long post.

Oh oh, I forgot to tell everyone. I got my vaccine for the prevention of Cervical Cancer, aka HPV vaccine today. If anyone is interested in getting it, contact me ok! My workplace has it, and Cervical Cancer is the 2nd leading women disease after Breast cancer (I think...). Anyways, I think it's always good to prevent it. So call me for any enquiries.

Good night everyone~! Have a great week~!

P.S. I can't wait for these next 2 weeks to pass by as quick as possible! SOMEONE IS GONNA BE HERE SOON~!


  1. erm, i can finish the carl's junior meal de leh.. hahahaha.. *oops*

  2. That's because you have a big appetite mah.. =P
