Monday 7 July 2008

All drained out... >.<

Busy busy weekend just passed for me. Been out till the wee hours of the morning for 3 nights in a roll.. Just got back home from watching Hancock. It was an awesome movie, because it left me feeling very satisfied. There was a storyline, action scenes were awesome and last of all, it has a little bit of romance in it. I highly recommend it.

Met an old high school friend last night for dinner. She introduced me to a few of her Poly mates, and one of them is pretty cute... Heehee... And I found out that they like to club too. So yay~! Another bunch of new found clubbermates for me to hang out with~!

Work-wise, my life hasn't been that awesome. Got a complain from a patient because of a mistake of mine. Made me feel kinda scared when she started yelling at me and wanted to talk to my doctor. Sigh.. I dunno what's gonna be the outcome but kinda resigned to whatever fate awaits me when I get back to work.

Currently still waiting for the announcement of my class schedule. Kinda sick of waiting because I feel like I'm just endlessly waiting and that makes me feel kinda frustrated and restless. Sigh... Hope I get it soon.

Anyways, thats about it I guess for updates.


Personal thoughts:

Is it bad if you were to be yourself and have fun? What if there are people and feelings involved? Do you have to explain yourself to them and set them straight first before they start having misconceptions? Or are you supposed to just wait till they say something before you set them straight? What if you can't truly ever get over the past and it scars you forever and makes you afraid?

So many many questions.... My head is about to explode........................................



Anyways, have a great week everyone. =)

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