Thursday 15 January 2009

Busy Bumble Bee..

It's been a hectic week with school, assignments, labs, studying for exams and fnally cleaning up my room for CNY. I'm actually looking forward to the end of the month cause it's gonna be closer to my birthday and towards March where I'll be plannign a 3 day getaway with someone special.

School-wise, its tougher and more interesting this term, but nothing I cannot handle. Also, I've been trying to watch this Taiwan drama (Fated to love you) which is funny, sad, romantic and very unrealistic but just kept me guessing every step of the way.

Other than that, nothing up coming for me cept for more studying this weekend, shopping with Debs for CNY clothes and going for my Muay Thai class.

=) I'm over my depression as you can see, just that maybe I was feeling hormonal that 2 days..

Anyways, it's almost the weekend and hope you guys have a great remaining week~!

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