Thursday 6 January 2011

I do...

Seems like everyone I know has either gotten married, or is about to get married.

Makes me feel quite sad and left out.

I realised that as time goes by, I actually do still feel lonely despite being attached. At least when I was single, I was still fun. Everyone would at least invite me along when events were planned, whether I attend or not.

Now that I've been attached for almost 1.5 years now, I've become boring and feel just as alone as I was before. You would think that when you get attached, you have someone to do things with together. But as time passes, they either have their own stuffs planned, or it's work that keeps them away. I'm usually alone when my other half goes out to meet his friends, or has to work late. Also, because I'm always turning down invitations to go out, my friends have stopped asking me altogether. Which makes me feel more depressed cause I've been left out of those gatherings when I see pictures on FaceBook.

And it makes me sad and depressed when I think about the future. Is that gonna be how married life is? You become old and boring, and you hang out with old and boring couples?

Or is the problem just me? I do go out sometimes, but I feel I've toned down a lot, and just like to spend time at home (either mine or others). It's more casual and less money is spent this way.

This also brings me to another point. I WANT TO HAVE MY OWN PLACE SO BAD! So I can host a quiet get-together instead of going out and being with crowds.

Sigh.. Blogging an entry when you have a pounding headache and feeling slightly down is so hard... Forming proper sentences, trying to put my thoughts out so that it flows is 10 times harder than usual..

Oh well... I'll end here for now..

Will continue when I feel better and more clear in the head and emotional department.


  1. Sorry that you're feeling down Ivy. I don't know how other people view their relationship or their marriage but I love being married.

    I feel secure, loved and a sense of belonging. I guess when you're in a relationship for a while, you tend to settle down and you don't hang with single people anymore and you don't party as much. You hang around other attached/married couples because you have more things in common with them than single people. When you get together you talk about your hubbies/kids/in-laws etc. Your socialising ends up being with your family or your hubby's family most of the time.

    Maybe you should find a common hobby to keep yourself entertained and at the same time, spend time with him. We play games together. HAHA. Or you can find your own hobby to keep yourself busy.

  2. That's what a friend said to me too, to get a hobby for myself. We already both play games together. I prefer playing games with a group of friends.

    I also agree about hanging out with other couples who have things in common with us, but me and my bf are both homebodies, him more than me. So we dun go out as much. And the couples that we know are all newlyweds, so they would tend to wanna spend time alone.. Haha..

    I feel better now btw. Been talking to my bf about how I feel and he's helping me feel better. =)

  3. Lol..

    Yes Germaine~! Can I link you to my blog?

