Tuesday 5 February 2008

I've just..

got a haircut today. Its so short now, well, not that short.. I mean it's still pretty long but still a lot shorter compared to before. It's like shoulder-length now. But I like it, it's a nice change and I look neater and it feels good. =)

Today has been a busy busy tiring day. We saw and served a total of 221 patients. Is that crazy or what?!?! Mom and I actually got home at 11pm after cleaning and tidying up the clinic. I bet it's the coming Lunar New Year holidays, got everyone into the holiday mood and make them wanna bludge and take sick days. Honestly, I can't stand people who take sick days just because of a little bit of pain. I mean, when I had serious menses cramps (the type that keeps you lying on your side in a fetal position for hours), I just took a pain killer and go to work as per normal. But thats just me and one of my pet peeves.

Another thing I realised about having more time to myself because I no longer play WoW, is that I have a lot more time on my hands to blog. Haha.. And the truth is, there's nothing blogworthy! I mean, we do the same things day in and day out, it's boring and well... BORING~! Lol, now I understand when blog-lebrities stop blogging for a few days/weeks. And pictures!! Uploading pictures are a pain in the ass! Especially when your PC or net connection is shit~! Oh well...

I want to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop. Anyone wanna teach me? Sigh, I wanna start learning how to drive too and play a guitar. Should they be my 2008 resolutions? I'm not the type to do resolutions, and I've never once kept to what I say I wanna do. =P We shall see, I guess..

Anyways, I'm off to bed.. Sleepy sleepy now..

Nights everyone.. *Hugs*


  1. Photoshop is easy.
    Just remember you need to outline what you are changing. Either the colour or the shade of it. So with outlining you use layers. Say you outline your dress to change the colour it would be Layer 1. Then outline your body would be Layer 2.

    So chosing the layer you then change the colour of it or use the brushes to smooth out certain sections etc. By outlining it an layering it you won't colour outside of what you are changing.
    That is all with photoshop really.

    You spend more time outlining than editing the actual colour/shading itself.

    It goes with changing the shape as well. Say you want to make your leg small for example. Again you will need to outline your leg then warp your leg to whatever you want.

    Also hi.

  2. oh btw here is a example i did in 10min


    Color changed to hot pink!


    Again this is done by using the Lasoo tool. Highlighting around car. Minus the windows, wheels etc. Just the painted area of the car.

    Copy that selection into a new layer.

    Then change the colour of that layer.

    simple :D

  3. lol...

    Thanks Mr Yong. =P

    Frankly, I prefer your car in pink.. I think Tiff would agree with me on that..

  4. lol yeah pink or the car goes!! :P
