Wednesday 15 October 2008


My eyelids have been twitching on and off for the past 2 weeks. I think my body is going nuts...

Common causes of eye twitching is:
- Fatigue or lack of sleep
- Emotional stress
- Too much Caffeine
- Anxiety
- Brain damage

Maybe my brain is shutting down already.. Lol...

Middle of the week, 2 more days to go..



  1. LOL twitching huh? I've got to see it!

    When I have lack of sleep my eyes just get sore and really red and teary but it doesn't twitch! Show me when you're here next time. LOL.

  2. Poo...

    Why would I want a twitchy eye to show you...

    It's a weird feeling.. You can see the area like, twitch and move and it's kind of a ticklish feeling.

