Wednesday 11 February 2009

Day 1

Of going cold turkey.. =)

It's going pretty well I guess.. Trying not to think about him... And I cant check to see if he's online anymore because I took him off my list.. It's also good to have plans to look forward to, so you dun think so much..

I guess it all comes down to whether he still wants to be with me a not.. If he doesn't, I'm fine with his decision.. If yes then maybe we'll see.. I've realised my problem is that I tend to get sucked in too deep into things... Trying to un-suck myself right now, so I dun feel so emo all the time..


Also, something strange happened today.. Some old man came up to me, told me a story about how he needed to get to the hospital and see the doctor there, and needed some cash to pay for transport.. I gave him $10 and felt very hmmm after... Cos I'm not sure if he's telling the truth, but I dun wanna be held responsible if he really is telling the truth, and I didn't help him.. So yea, I think of it as a good deed for the week I guess... Haha...

Work was alright, and my tests for this week is all over! I did pretty darn good and I'm so proud of myself.. =) Now to tackle the last lab report due tomorrow.. Hee... =P


I'm thinking of lifting the password thing off my blog... Is it a good idea? I'm not too sure.. Wanna talk to someone about it, but I dunno who to talk about it to.. So I guess, leave me a comment, whoever you might be, if I should take the password thingy off my blog..

Much appreciated..

That's about it I guess.. Half the week is over already! Weekends soon! YAY!
Have an enjoyable rest of the week everyone~!



-Updated at 1.20am Singapore timing-
I've been reading some of his old posts on his old blog.. And all I can say, maybe I'm just to inexperienced and young for a mature person like him.. I know he has many many girls who are around him most times.. He has many many experience with girls.. He has just alot more things than I do.. I'm starting to think too much again..

Maybe it's just me.. I'm the god damned freaking problem... Sigh...

Nights everyone..


  1. omfg your that song....

    brings back memories huh...


    just make it public if u feel like it.

  2. i think don take off the p/w...

  3. hmmm...

    ekaj: Yeap.. Memories... I made you watch that movie with me, if I remember correctly... Lol..

    Hegdehog: It's easier for people to go read, so they dun have to keep asking, and I dun have to keep repeating...

  4. at least its not harry potter ;p
