Tuesday 10 March 2009

I know..

I'm supposed to be studying, but I can't seem to get my engine to start working... So I'm gonna procrastinate for a bit...


My cousin is having relationship problems now.. I know she's only 13 but I think it's more of a crush.. I went 'steady' with my 1st crush when I was 14, and I broke it off like 2 weeks later..

When I was younger, I usually bail out of a relationship when the guy starts to get too close, too physical or when I feel like I'm going into the unknown... Whatever happened to that Ivy? Instead of that, I'm now jumping headfirst into the waters without even testing it first.. Maybe that's why I always get hurt..

Sometimes I wonder, is it so hard to find someone who loves you back? Maybe I'm just feeling lonely.. I've been feeling lonely for a while now... Being single have its perks but when you're single for some time and see couples everywhere, it kinda just starts to bug you...

Downside of being single, for me, is having no one special to hold you at night, to talk to about my problems and worries, no one to share my hopes and dreams with..

I used to have someone like that, but it seems he's been avoiding me.. And ignoring me... Ok, maybe ignoring is not such a good word, but it just feels he doesn't have time even to be my friend anymore.. I get that he's Mr Popular, and has a lot going on now.. But still I do miss him sometimes... And his nonchalance hurts more than anything I've ever felt before.. Even getting tattoo-ed was mild compared to hurting inside like this..

In case you're wondering, I'm totally fine.. Not going back into depression or anything... Just my thoughts...

Oh well, feelings are complicated and often hard to understand..


It has been confirmed that Dakota Fanning is gonna be Jane in the next Twilight movie.. It's gonna be so awesome, considering what an evil vampire Jane is... For those who doesn't know who she is, she's a vampire that belongs to a family of vampires who call themselves the Volturi. They are sorta the law of the vampire world and they dish out punishments and actions for the supposed 'interest' of the vampires. Jane has a special mental ability to torture people in their minds...

It's gonna be so cool and hot~! In case you haven't noticed, she's gonna become a ravishing beauty soon... =)


Aight, time for me to hit the books.. Wish me luck for tomorrow's test... 2 more days to go before it's the weekends!! I'm going to the BEACH! YAY! Can't wait!!!!

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. ooh ya, i read abt the Dakota Fanning thing too. Can't wait for the next movie!!
